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A bed in the kitchen. (Here we go)

When we were young ('we' meaning me and my fellow siblings) on the days when we were only allowed to help with drying the dishes, it seemed as though mum used to spend her entire day in the kitchen cooking dishes for our family. We used to tease her and say that because she takes all day in the kitchen we may as well place a bed in the kitchen so she can spend the night there too.

 Now we look back and realise why it took so long. 

The amount of preparation, the marinating, mixing, waiting, tasting and correcting (not to forget the pile of dishes, 'thank goodness' for dishwashers) means that it took an awfully long time. These days we should count ourselves lucky, we have a variety of  kitchen tools to help us finish cooking faster. From gadgets that help us chop onions to big machines’ that can cook everything at the touch of a button. We can cook what took mum all day in less than an hour and still enjoy it the same way. Well not exactly the same way, because nothing ever beats mum’s food ( I am sure you will agree with me too).

 In this blog I am going to try my best to recreate those days by compiling my mother's yummy recipes (with her help) and a few other 'hand me downs' too, to form 'what I hope' will become a homely place for sharing recipes. As I am a pretty adventurous cook and  obsessed with reading and watching anything to do with food, other tried and tested recipes may also be included.

This blog is not a compilation of luxurious recipes where you have to go and buy a special ingredient from the other side of town, to only end up using it once!  neither is it compiled to guide one through a specific diet-a balanced diet is of course very important in all aspects however I am not a dietitian and I eat what I fancy. This blog is  merely a compilation of recipes from the heart . And that’s exactly what I think it should be. 
On a slightly different note, cooking tips and tricks and anything to make life easier in the kitchen will also be added, although mind you sometimes I do find it therapeutic taking my time about in the kitchen, surely I cannot be the only one?

Thank you,

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